Thursday, December 31, 2009

The cost of being a perfectionist or a workaholic For Lawyers

Are you a perfectionist and / or a workaholic? In today's world, most lawyers and other professionals work long hours. Do good work, is of course important to attract and retain customers, but some people go a bit overboard. Did you take care of every detail yourself, you work at your desk through lunch and stay at work until late in the evening? If you said yes, you are not alone.

I recently heard a speaker to refer workaholism as the only addiction yours, yourresume. I would add that perfectionism. (Perhaps only the Americans?) Today bragging workaholism and perfectionism. Both seem attractive for the management of the practice, who believe they have produced a lawyer, the mountains of work is perfect! Dream on!

What happens to a lawyer who works incredible hours, or one who's never satisfied with the quality of the work? These lawyers are candidates for burnout, stress and disease relentlessly and always willunhappy about the lack of time for fun and family. If no additional time to alternatives as they may be the people to find the right test for other jobs. Otherwise, they are running on empty and feel so!

Is this you? Do you have a critical inner voice that tells you not reveal your work well enough or fast enough? Has your critics say, your work is only useful if you do it perfectly? The problem is that debugging critic is full NIE and yourDay only getting longer and longer. There is no satisfaction.

My time-management tips can be helpful initially, but sooner or later, just not enough hours in a day. Sometimes the work ethic in society creates pressure to continue these bad habits. Law firms whose practice management philosophy, promote it more to give than to realize them.

Creativity only comes when the mind is allowed to rest. How many of us receive many wonderful ideas on how we lie to go to sleepin the night? It may be the only time our minds are quiet enough.

The Boston Globe ran a story a few weeks ago about a repair foreman for the public transit system, which found a solution to a problem that had plagued the system. The master found the solution by observing the butcher in a butcher shop on his day off! Beautiful Ideas come when a man has time to relax and a creative.

I have my own experiences with perfectionism. In the workshop I have a voiceA few weeks ago. My goal was to sing a song in an audience on the stage before you. The night of the performance I was very nervous. I'd practiced and practiced, but sometimes I forget a lyric, and it usually happens, when I was scared.

Sure enough, when I empty my thoughts went on stage! I took a few breaths, and miraculously, the words came back so I could start. As I continued to sing some of the words escaped me again, but I made it through the song by GETImplementation in other words.

Nobody seemed to notice, and the audience applauded vigorously recognized me. My colleagues congratulated me and told me how beautiful I was. I had my target to appear before an audience reach but I do not feel the satisfaction that I expected, because it was not perfect.

The decision whether there is a workaholic and / or a perfectionist in the hands of each individual. I know that perfectionism is hurting me and I want to change. A consciousEfforts to change my internal communications is a first step. For those of you who work long hours and hate it. There is a solution for you. How do you know what are the steps? A Practice Consultant and Coach can help!

Take Action

1. They have a tendency to be a perfectionist and / or a workaholic? Is a negative impact on your life?

2. Make a list of activities that you wish you still time for. Choose an activity and plan to do some time for you to spend in the coming weeks. Do thisa week for the next few months and then again in your list.

3. Take an exploratory bike or on foot. Get lost! Really! Is there a benefit? Consider how this could be for the work you do?

4. What must you do to stretch out of the comfort zone? What can you do, enjoy your mistakes?

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