Wednesday, February 10, 2010

State of a smoking ban - good or bad for business?

Recently entrepreneurs in many parts of the country are alarmed when they learned that their state has passed a law banning smoking in public places. In general, these are restaurants, bars, sports arenas, bowling alleys and other pubic places. Disputes arise, consistently over the advantages and disadvantages that these laws cause firms. Many of their best customers to smoke patronizing their shops.

Normally, when a state's legislation to banSmoking in public areas, to become entrepreneurs, given a certain period of time (ie 90 days, 1 year, etc.). Pennsylvania recently was a law prohibiting smoking in public places and gave a 90-day notice especially restaurants, bowling alleys, etc. have to smoke at their company.

Pennsylvania, the new law is a compromise bill, so keep some bars, private clubs, casinos and their right to allow smoking. This exception allows smokers to lighton, while sitting with friends in certain public places.

Politicians who protect invoices for the prevention of smoking in public places are entitled to take measures for public health. Not only that smoking bans discourage smoking altogether, but it will protect innocent to Non smoking spectators from adverse health risks of second-hand smoke. A person is responsible for their own health if they choose to light a cigar or cigarette, but it is not their right to endanger the healththe other. Without a smoking ban, not just smokers choose to avoid smoke can be avoided by public institutions altogether. Dare to free people smoking in public places without worrying about the health risks from external sources.

Politicians from other reasons, can promote such a law to reduce the cost of health care. In an age where health insurance is expensive and sometimes not for all, it is important to reduce the risks can be controlled.

While some smokerscomply angered by bans, others understand the reasons and who are willing. A smoker indicated that he needs to go outside to smoke, at home, he could also smoke outside, if he is in the public.

Often entrepreneurs are concerned that these laws can inhibit business. Others take such bans in purchase by consumers connect their adaptation to new laws restricting smoking privileges before the law in force. Still other entrepreneurs are being disturbed by a sense ofdiscriminated against by bans in some establishments, while others do not. Jim Mitchell, a restaurant owner in Pittsburgh, said: "I've ever asked is for a level playing field, but what did the Legislature [PA smoking ban bill], said that tobacco is unhealthy in my body, but it is not unhealthy in casinos, clubs and small restaurants, and it only shows that public health takes a backseat to money. "1

Shop owners are understandably disturbed by the presenceSmoking ban, but often to their surprise, the economy actually increased by these bans. Restaurants and bars in Massachusetts, saw sales rise during the first six months after it was banned in July 2004. In addition, a study by the Harvard School of Public Health examined 27 bars and restaurants to find that "sank dangerous cancer-causing toxins by 93 percent for cigarettes, cigars and pipes were banned." 2 The Boston Globe reported that "An increasingBody of Evidence suggests that what is good for the health of workers and patrons may also be on the bottom line of companies to strengthen. "Rise 2 in the economy is to get people meeting in bars due to food and enjoy sitting at the bar, without hesitation, if someone sitting smoking with them.

While restaurant smoking bans appear to other companies, as predicted suffer benefit. Bowling alleys are a type of businesses that seem to absorb a blow. Hundreds ofLeague bowlers have finished, so that several thousand dollars in losses for bowling alley owners.

Most likely it will continue to have a disagreement about the laws governing smoking in public areas. Overall, the benefits for health is highly significant fall as monetary losses suffered by entrepreneurs, and many companies will benefit well from the prohibitions. More than half the states in the nation now have at least some kind of ban on smoking in public places.

What isHer condition is smoking regulations?

Smoking in restaurants:
- Georgia
- Idaho

Smoking in non-hospitality workplaces:
- South Dakota

Smoking banned in bars and restaurants:
- New Hampshire

Smoking in restaurants and not hospitality jobs:
- Arkansas
- Florida
- Louisiana
- Nevada
- North Dakota
- Pennsylvania
- Tennessee

Banned smoking in restaurants, bars, and non-hospitality workplaces:
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Montana
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- Ohio
- Oregon
- Rhode Iceland
- Utah
- Vermont
- Washington

No countrywide ban on smoking:
- Alaska
- Alabama
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- NorthCarolina
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Texas
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming

Paul Galla


2 http://www. Boston .com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2005/04/04/restaurants_bars_gain_ Business _under_smoke_ban /

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