Friday, February 5, 2010

TransPromo - Stretch your marketing budget by what you know

With the new year begins, and people always positive about the future, we still want most of what we already have. Even if the recovery is said to ourselves, is imminent (a claim which I skeptically), we still want our businesses to run lean and get the return for our dollar. To that end, some very simple things you can do today to save the potential money and also increase your revenue. These things can be (is relatively easy) and areable to create enormous benefits for your company and your customers.

Your first step is to make the data you have and use it to create more personalized communications to your existing customers and to take the past. I know there a million excuses why you can not do that. One could argue that you have no data (this is almost impossible these days and I want to show me a business venture without a date ... more ... I you can, leave a comment or send me an e-mail). You can take it sopretty bad shape (not that I think) a problem. You could integrate concerns about the age of the systems and the possibility of legacy systems (old data) in a recent communication program. There may be doubts whether your systems can "talk." For example, you can combine the data into your accounting software with the data in your CRM software with the data from your web analytics software? These are all important questions, but which in any case began the case.

Set allExcuses away. Just because they do not use if you have a problem with your data, it will not get better for themselves. When will it start a better time for improvements? 2015? 2020? No know, we all know that we express our data in order today, right now. We live in an age of information and the data are not the ones left behind. I am not suggesting that you go and spend a few million on a full implementation of Oracle. Instead, start slowly. Use what you have while youImprovements. Personalize your communication with your customers (you the names of your customers do not it?). Use your past, my experience as a key to what's important to them and talk to those interests are. It will not be perfect the first time out of the box, but it gets better, as you can see what works and what does not get to. EDITOR'S NOTE: Your communication measurement results is an issue that can be covered in detail in many upcoming contributions. It is a critical point and is omittedhere because it is so important that there are some points for their own needs.

Now here is the best part. To get started, you could not spend a cent. In fact, one could even save money satisfaction while increasing your customer loyalty and. If you are on business documents (invoices, statements, notices, etc. ..) You can see some of these personalized messaging available to those papers and you are not spending a nickel more on paper, printing, folding, stuffing and mailing. This iswhat we TransPromo communications, and it should be an important aspect of your overall communications strategy. Why? Now your transaction documents go out to your customers anyway, so better use of white space that you already have and that you already pay in order to realize before your customers. For example, next month, a red heart and personalized Valentine's Day message to your customers directly at the transactional document that you send in February. It helps the relationshipwith your clients, you could increase your sales, and because the same document went out anyway, it costs almost nothing to do. It is a breeze.

Now, to grasp. 1) You have data. Use it. 2) They have outgoing documents with wasted space. Use it. Need help? Call us and we will answer all questions that you might check over your data and your communications with customers integrated offerings.

Again, DO happy new year and remember: no wasteSPACE!

1 comment:

  1. If you would like additional information about TransPromo messaging or legal complaince with the Truth in Lending Act or The CARD Act, go to
