Monday, March 29, 2010

Getting Into Guinness by Larry Olmsted

I've always liked reading about the different Guinness World Records, and for this reason, I found Larry Olmstead's "Guinness" pleasant. The World of Records is for those who try to break records, and fascinating for the reader to obsessive. I think that is why the "Guinness Book of Records, after a few name changes now," Guinness World Records "has been so popular is.

For people who are fascinated with records, "Getting Into Guinness: One Man's Longest, Fastest,Highest Journey Inside the World's Most Famous Record Book will be read a joke. I especially liked the story of the book and learning a little about the text that I read every year when young and have a look at once in a while If I see that.

It's also fun to read about the journey toward Olmsted's record breaking with golf and, above all, his longest poker session history.

There are sections that are funny, some bizarre, some hard to believe, but definitely interesting. If youare fascinated with the world record, you will enjoy this book. If you are not with the world record fascinates you probably never read a book like this anyway. There are parts that are a bit dry or redundant, but there are still enough interesting parts to keep you engaged. If you are thinking of doing something to the ranks of those who should come included in the "Guinness Book of Records", read this book first. It can not help you get listed, but it couldHelp you along the path. If not, you will still enjoy it anyway. Have concluded that it was fun and I enjoyed reading about some of the crazy and impressive records set people and what it takes to get there.

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