Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More men than women Power Abuse

Since there are fewer women than men in positions of power, it stands to reason that fewer women are abused. But it is an intimate reason for the lack of women in the scandals of abuse of power.

It is concerned with a psychological fact of life that women more about their insides than on insider trading. Women are inner-oriented and interested in everything - from the inside of their psyche to the inventory of their pantries. Girls learn, and be rewarded for developingand requires supportive behavior, the self-examination and introspection. Boys are taught on the other side, which must be evaluated to reach them and even "heroes."

Are growing up more stringent limits for girls, boys, still feel more comfortable intrigue and tests, where is the edge of the law at home and in the community. In my practice I often hear parents say: "I never been a curfew for my son because I know the parents of the girls set a curfew and the boys are less likely to remain outsidelonger than the girls. "The unspoken message is" boys need no bounds. "And for boys, the consequences of unacceptable behavior are less harsh. Unacceptable behavior in girls often leads to actual negative consequences - Suspension of the remuneration and privileges required to be grounded or tasks - at the negative consequences for a boy is often only" a conversation. "Boys get the message that intrigues and exhibited limits is acceptable - or at least that there is no real price. pay

There are no boundaries, appropriate impulse control do not develop. Children seek limits, and if they shall find it, push it further, too anxious when there seems no end to how far they can go. If a parent does not set boundaries to the child feels unimportant and unloved. Limits and negative consequences for violations of them, on the other side to reassure children that they are perceived and that someone cares.

Lack of enforcement of the limits or boundaries, coupled with thesocietal message that men must "Heroes" and be successful, puts enormous pressure on the men at the scene and push the boundaries to be evaluated. Those who manipulate to get what they want to believe that they need to perform, produce and create greater and greater acts of 'heroism' to feel valued and powerful, as well as to allay their fears about vulnerability (due to lack of impulse control) and the humiliation of failure (the ultimate sign of unworthiness).

When women feelthese fears, they lose their self-esteem, not their integrity. As a result, they berate themselves and work harder to succeed within the system.

Be evaluated for performance, success and "Heroism" produces arrogance and megalomania: "I can not do anything wrong, I have the right, I can do what I want, and away with him. "The driving feel with their own job satisfaction, combined with a lack of regard for how other such behavior. So to fill in a vain attempt toManipulators have more and more acts to fill the emptiness inside - not unlike the alcoholic - they will win the chase and stubbornness of addictive. It is an insidious downward spiral, as they re-establish the boundaries ever further to the next emotional climax.

It is a healthy degree of self-centeredness and self-centeredness, a feeling of quality that is the natural companion of true performance. In fact, a degree of self-centeredness and self-centeredness isas a prerequisite to success. However, the pathological form of self-centeredness and self-involvement drives people to reach for neurotic reasons.

Closely tied to the pursuit of success in an unhealthy self-absorption is necessary to fail. If your self-esteem is so fragile that you are not able to believe, praise, you feel guilty and conflict with the success because you do not think you deserve it. These people range from a sense of undeserved success and a sense ofWorthlessness.

What to reach these people, is seen as a means to an end - that is, the constant search for love and recognition. They often do not know what their moral standards. They have not experienced as a result of the transgression limits during critical stages of maturation. As adults, they are in trouble as a punishment for something to get the low down, do not believe them, that they deserve to have. Are you looking for the negative effects andLimit-setting, she / was needed as a child. Continued Bernard Ebbers, former CEO of WorldCom, Kenneth Lay, Chairman, Enron Corp. to manipulate the system more and more until no longer ignore the people around him or to a party at their blatant abuse of power.

Richard Nixon, et al, Oliver North, and, more recently, Lewis (Scooter) Libby, Tom DeLay, Carl Rove, George W. Bush et al, are people who want on a plane, "the ultimate hero 'label but on another level, they do notbelieve that they are worthy. Thus they are constantly scheme to try and manipulate situations in a way that they eventually ensure prisoner. On a conscious level is the only thing they unconsciously fear, while caught, they want to be caught, because they feel out of control. They often commit the greatest respect for the law, and many are lawyers, but, paradoxically, work out that the boundaries of the law and were caught when they, their first step is the best lawyer possible to manipulate the law, hiringin their favor - and thus the continuation of its grandiose manipulation of the system. In addition, lawyers who are manipulating the system, the lawyers who created the law with loop-holes and room for interpretation - continuously a self-serving system. It is only fair to point out that the system works in the favor of the judiciary as well.

The profile of women who abuse positions of power is the same as that of men - with one exception. The exception is that they are for or on account of any actMan or a man behind them. Sandra Brown, the first woman to initiate a Federally Licensed Small Business Investment Company and many other innovative concepts, was convicted in Colorado for kiting 1.3 million U.S. dollars. Her live-in-chief companion and advisor, a co-defendant was behind her, as her male lawyer who pleaded guilty, and state evidence. On behalf of a person Bess Myerson and Judge Hortense Gable, complained about the fees to reduce the alimony Myerson's loverSettlement in exchange for a job for the daughter of the judge in office as Commissioner for Consumer Protection Myerson of New York City. More recently, Martha Stewart insider trading allegedly committed on the advice of her friend and confidante, ImClone Systems CEO, Sam Waksal. Stewart was of four counts of obstruction of justice and lying to investigators sentenced to a well-timed stock sale - not insider trading. When her male accomplice, Stewart's stockbroker was convicted of the samecounts.

What can be done? If you are a parent, set limits for your children, both male and female. If the limits are exceeded enforce negative consequences immediately. If you are a boss or manager to keep all employees for the methods they use to achieve a goal. The lines of responsibility and accountability in the performance standards and developed with meaningful consequences for non-compliance followed.

But remember: "Negative consequences" does not mean"Punitive". Calls for retaliation and punitive damages self-esteem. Verbally abusing and hitting / spanking punishment are examples of consequences, just as every episode of all proportion to the offense. A negative consequence for missing a curfew, would, for example, under the car for a weekend evening or two evenings for a second offense. A younger child may be punished by her stay in her room for an evening without TV products and / or entertainment. If the childAnger about the consequences, empathy, and not further punish. Talking to your child about how he / she is in control, whether he / she has an impact is highly effective. The anger is appropriate, and additional penalty would be punitive.

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